The Client

adjoe develops cutting-edge technologies that allow publishers and advertisers to take their app business to the next level.

The Challenge

Adjoe is one of the fastest growing companies in advertisement business.
In order to attact new clients and tech talent to the company, they needed to change their look from playful to more serious and professional.

The Solution

With the new website, I created a consistent look and feel across all resolutions. The modular WordPress website allows to be easily expanded as adjoe’s client base grows.

Web Design

Creating the sharp, serious but still playful look helped adjoe position itself more confidently within the advertisement market.

The Result

After three months of collaboration, the adjoe team successfully integrated our visual identity guidelines across all touchpoints, including social media, landing pages, annual reports and presentations. The adjoe team embraced the new visual language, fully adopting the playful yet serious tone.


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